Types Of Commercial Storage Based On What You Need To Store


Commercial storage comprises several types of specific storage units as they relate to commercial and business purposes. If you are looking to store specific items, you may need a specific type of commercial storage.  Here are some specific types of commercial storage and how they may suit your particular needs. Shipment Storage Commercial storage for shipments usually involves warehouse space. Most boxes and crates are so large they cannot be placed anywhere else, and oddly-shaped packages also have to have their own warehouse space.

12 December 2016

Four Tips To Help You Unpack With Ease


When moving, most people focus their attention on packing and transporting their household goods. Don't forget about the hard work that comes once you arrive at your new home. Unpacking is just as important. To make this task as stress-free as possible, make sure you know what to do. 1. Pack With Unpacking In Mind Pack in the same manner that you would unpack. For instance, do you keep your belts and socks in the same drawer?

8 December 2016

Three Ways To Move REALLY Heavy Furniture


Every home in America has something that is undeniably heavy. It could be a grand piano, a roll-top desk, a full wall entertainment center, or a king-size bed. Whatever it is, moving it even a foot in any direction is a Herculean feat. Yet, it does not seem to deter anyone from buying these immense and really heavy pieces of furniture. If you need to move something of this sort and you know you cannot do it alone, here are three ways to move it across a room, up the stairs, and/or down the stairs.

7 December 2016

How To Properly Store A Mattress


Mattresses are one of the most important pieces of furniture within your home, but they are also one of the largest. If you need to free up some space in your home or are moving and want to keep your mattress in a separate location for the process, you should look into placing it in a self-storage unit. However, if improperly stored, a mattress can become damaged and uncomfortable to sleep on.

5 December 2016

Important Tips for Moving Overseas


Are you thinking about accepting a job offer in another country? Are you unsure of whether you'll be staying there permanently or will be moving back to the United States in a few months or years? Moving to another country, whether temporarily or permanently, usually involves a lot of planning in order to make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible. Fortunately for you, there are a few things you can do to help make things easier.

13 October 2016

Make Your Life Better By Getting A Year-Round Storage Unit


Many people believe that self-storage units are a short-term solution for a temporary clutter problem, and therefore, they only plan to keep a storage unit for a couple of months. However, some homeowners have found that keeping a permanent storage unit is a wonderful idea that simply makes their lives better in many different ways. Here's a look at how storage units can improve your life during every season of the year:

28 October 2014